"Annette is so down-to-earth, compassionate, understanding, and comforting. She has such an understanding of family… maybe it’s because she has a family too… but you can sense that. It comes across in her work. I’ve always felt like I’m talking to a compassionate, kind person, who is also an expert."
"Annette makes things seem manageable. We take small steps. I was scared of the idea of therapy. As it turns out, it isn’t voodoo. She lays out the process and I always have a complete understanding of our next steps and our goals. She communicates everything so clearly and that comforts me."
"I had never been to a mental health professional before, and Annette takes the fear out the process, in a non-threatening, very approachable way."
"She really listens. It amazes me how she can pretty much tap into any prior session when it is relevant for where we are now..."
"She works so well with children. My child has made progress in leaps and bounds since participating in Play Therapy with Annette’s expert guidance and support. She has been a life saver."
Sometimes the idea of a new possibility, or the path through a tough situation, is hard to see. In difficult times, it can feel like there is no way to change—or that “this way” is the "only way."
The truth is there is hope. I can help you make positive changes in your relationships and with yourself by working through each problem, one step at a time. My ultimate goal for my clients is to help them take steps to a better place where they can be content, fulfilled, and capable.
New clients sometimes feel discouraged, that a situation won’t improve, or they are uninspired. They are uncertain about the therapy process.
I’ve seen individuals who have felt this way at one time or another—those who have felt little hope—move on, and grow, and change. I’ve seen them truly create a new place in their lives, full of hope, full of love, and full of true enjoyment.
The difficult can seem manageable.
Change or endurance can become possible,
and probable.
A better tomorrow, a more enjoyable life,
can be attained.
I promise to guide you through the journey. I promise to sit with you in your time of discomfort, pain, unknowing, or discord and hold onto the hope that will guide you through the process of change, even if you are not able to do so, yourself, at that moment. I promise that wherever you’re at now, is a good place to begin.