Part 1: Attunement
What it is and how does it affect my child?
The Webster definition for attunement is to bring into harmony. Many people identify “attunement” as the bonding aspect of parenting a child. It begins in infancy and continues through a child’s development. It is a term used to describe a parent’s ability to notice and respond to the needs of their child.
Attunement starts at birth. With babies who have a gentle temperament, attunement can be easy. For other babies, it can be harder. Either way, we do our best as new parents to be attuned to who our babies are and what they need.
Our ability to be attuned is of course impacted by a parent’s own self: the timing and ability of the parent to be available, and to correctly perceive the needs of the child in a manner that creates a positive response from the baby.
It is a symbiotic relationship built on parents being available to perceive the needs of the infant — and the infant being able to receive this, and join with the parent.
Attunement happens during times of pleasure as well as times of upset.
Much of infant and toddler attunement is based on non-verbal cuing, sensing needs, anticipating, and showing compassion and empathy. Babies understand a lot – even without the verbal ability to express themselves. Babies sense you: your interest, your joy, your frustration, your availability, your heartbeat, and the warmth in your touch. All of this is unique to the developing baby.
As the baby grows, it continues to thrive on attunement. Each child has their own rhythm, their own way of being. A parents’ job is being able to interpret the physiological and socio-emotional aspects of their growing baby. While research doesn’t talk about it much, this means staying in sync with a child into adulthood.
Why is attunement so important? Because it helps our children function independently, healthily, and meaningfully in their lives and relationships.
Stay tuned for Part 2: Attunement and acceptance…